Paris, France
Tshepiso Mazibuko
Sibusiso Bheka
On the occasion of the 30th anniversary of democracy in South Africa, Rubis Mécénat presents the work of two emerging South African photographers from the Of Soul and Joy project, a photography-centred social and artistic mentoring programme created by Rubis Mécénat in the township of Thokoza in Johannesburg.
Ubusukunemini (Day and Night) is an invitation from Tshepiso Mazibuko to Sibusiso Bheka to weave together a vision of Thokoza today. Both were born and raised in this township where, overnight, they were “born free” —born after 1994 at the end of apartheid. Indeed, born free, but still stuck within the constraining urban planning of the past.
The exhibition interweaves two sensibilities that examine the same place: the township. The photographers summon the viewer day and night, in burning colours or in timeless black and white. On all sides, this feeling of immobility, structurally imposed by the place itself, is expressed. Swept from dawn by dazzling spotlights, the day vibrates with incessant noise or while the night is muffled in silence. The experience is an immersion into the heart of the community of Thokoza, hemmed in by the societal structures of its past: a lingering trace of South African history.