ART(ist) #7
Benjamin Loyauté
In 2018, Rubis Mécénat invited Benjamin Loyauté to present, for his first solo exhibition in France, the latest chapter of his work-in-progress, Experiencing the ordinary. With this exhibition, presented at the Palais de la Porte Dorée, Paris, and inaugurated for Nuit Blanche, the artist pursues his meditation on the magic of the ordinary and the importance of the intangible heritage in our societies, through a work that intertwines film, installation, sculpture and performance.
In the continuation of the exhibition, Rubis Mécénat supported Benjamin Loyauté’s newest book What Have You Found Out So Far?, published by Dilecta in September 2019, an epic and evolving story to be shared which decrypts the artist ‘s multifaceted work through daily life, magical objects and animism, which allow us to connect with our individual and collective history.